Eurocodes and National Annexes - Where to Get Them!

Discover the importance of National Annexes and Eurocode standards. Learn where to obtain these essential documents, their availability in different languages, and whether there are any associated fees.

April 18, 2024

The Eurocodes

Developed in the early to mid 2000s, the Eurocodes were meant as a way to unify the building standards for most of Europe.

Technically, the Eurocodes are a collection of 10 major standards: EN 1990 through EN 1999, sometimes also referred to as "EC0" through "EC9". The countries which have adopted the Eurocodes are not exactly the same group as the European Union - they are instead a different group of countries which are members of the European Committee for Standardisation - and include, for example, the United Kingdom (despite Brexit), Norway, and Turkey.

Because each country still wanted - and in some cases needed - to modify the standards slightly to their own geography, weather, or common construction techniques, the Eurocode standards each set out numerous Nationally Determined Parameters (NDPs), which are usually defined in a National Annex (NA) that each country develops independently for each standard.

Unfortunately, while the standards themselves are fairly well unified, there is no central repository of either the standards or the National Annexes.

The National Annexes in particular are developed by each individual country's standards body or government building department, and so are generally only available directly from the national body responsible for them. Below, we've outlined what all the National Annexes are, where you can actually get a copy of them, if they costs money, and if they're available in English. But first:

The main Eurocode documents

The main Eurocode documents - the standards that are the same for all countries - can be acquired through almost any country's standards body. The important point, however, is that they are all the same. "BS EN 1991-1-4" is exactly the same content as "DIN EN 1991-1-4", "SR EN 1991-1-4", or any other prefix. They'll have different cover pages, but the content is identical. Of note, you can get these main Eurocode documents for free, from

EN Title # of Subs Summary of Subsections
EN 1990 Basis of Structural Design 1
EN 1991 Actions on Structures 7 1-1: Dead,
1-2: Fire,
1-3: Snow,
1-4: Wind,
1-5: Thermal,
1-6: Construction,
1-7: Accidental
EN 1992 Design of Concrete Structures 4 1-1: General, 1-2: Fire,
2: Bridges,
3: Liquid Retaining
EN 1993 Design of Steel Structures 20 1-1: General, 1-2: Fire,
1-3: CFS, 1-4: Stainless,
1-5: Plated, 1-6: Shell,
1-7: Out-of-Plane, 1-8: Joints,
1-9: Fatigue, 1-10: Toughness,
1-11: Tension, 1-12: HSS,
2: Bridges,
3-1: Towers, 3-2: Chimneys,
4-1: Silos, 4-2: Tanks, 4-3: Pipes,
5: Pilings,
6: Cranes
EN 1994 Design of Composite Steel & Concrete Structures 3 1-1: General, 1-2: Fire,
2: Bridges,
EN 1995 Design of Timber Structures 3 1-1: General, 1-2: Fire,
2: Bridges,
EN 1996 Design of Masonry Structures 4 1-1: General, 1-2: Fire,
2: Materials,
3: Simplified Unreinforced
EN 1997 Geotechnical Design 2 1: General,
2: Ground Investigations
EN 1998 Design of Structures for Earthquake Resistance 6 1: General,
2: Bridges,
3: Retrofitting,
4: Silos & Pipes,
5: Geotechnical,
6: Towers & Chimneys
EN 1999 Design of Aluminium Structures 5 1-1: General, 1-2: Fire,
1-3: Fatigure,
1-4: Cold-Formed,
1-5: Shell

The National Annexes

The National Annexes are generally provided by each country's national standards body, but may also be provided by a government building department.

In the table below, you'll find each of the countries which use the Eurocodes, and where to get a hold of their National Annex documents. Where possible, we've linked to the English version of the page, though sometimes only the national language(s) are available. Usually, these take the form of some type of online store for the standards body, so in these, you'll need to do a search for the specific EN 199X standard for which you're seeking the National Annex. There are also a couple countries for which we have not yet found where to acquire their National Annexes, if they exist.

If you're able to help us complete this table, then please send a message to!

Country Abbr. Free? English? Link to Buy / Download Notes
Austria ONORM No Yes Austrian Standards Webshop
Belarus Ткп ? ? ? Standards body: TNPA
Belgium NBN No No Bureau for Standardisation Shop French or Dutch only
Bosnia & Herzegovina BAS No Yes Institute for Standardisation Catalog
Bulgaria БДС Part Yes Bulgarian Institute for Standardisation Bulgarian versions free, English are not
Cyprus CYS Yes Yes Cyprus Organisation for Standardisation Website is not in English, but Annexes are
Czech Republic CSN No No Czech Agency for Standardization UNMZ
Denmark DS Yes Yes Danish Standards
Estonia EVS No Yes Estonian Centre of Standardisation
Finland SFS Yes Yes Finish Standards Association English versions are unofficial
France FN No No AFNOR Boutique (Shop) French only
Germany DINNo Yes Beuth (Official DIN Retailer) German only
Greece ΕΛΟΤ No No ELOT Sales Greek only
Hungary MSZ No On Req. Hungarian Standards Institution Must contact directly for English service
Iceland IST No No Icelandic Standards Icelandic only
Ireland IS No Yes National Standards Authority of Ireland
Italy UNI Yes No (unofficial source) Single document
Latvia LVS No No Latvian Standard Latvian only
Lithuania LST No No Lithuanian Standards Board Lithuanian only
Luxembourg ILNAS Yes No ILNAS E-Shop French only
Malta MSA ? ? Standards body: MCCAA May not have National Annexes.
Netherlands NEN No Some NEN Webshop All in French or Dutch, only some in English
North Macedonia MKC No No Standardization Institute Macedonian only
Norway NS No Yes Standards Norway Webshop
Poland PN No No Polish Committee for Standardisation Polish only
Portugal NP Yes No IPQ Catalog Standards body: IPQ
Romania SR No Yes Romanian Standards Association Catalog
Serbia SRPS No No Institute for Standardization of Serbia Serbian only
Slovakia STN No No Slovak Office of Standards Slovakian only
Slovenia SIST No No Slovenian Institute for Standardization Slovenian only
Spain UNE ? ? AENOR Store May not have National Annexes. Standards body: UNE
Sweden BFS Yes Yes Boverket Application of EN Standards Annexes not handled by standards body (SIS)
Switzerland SN No No SNV Shop German or French only
Turkey TS No No Standard Arama May not have National Annexes. Standards body: TSE
United Kingdom BS Part Yes British Standards Institute Shop Some are available free from

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