This article shows validation and design examples for steel beams per the AISC Specification , 2016. Note that values will vary slightly (+/- 1%) due to round-off errors.
Example 1 - Unequal Leg Angle, Long Leg Up
Reference: Whitney McNulty, Single Angle Design Manual , 2008, Example 4.5, p. 4-66
In this example, we find the flexural capacity of an unequal leg angle with the long leg up. Note that in the reference, no loads are calculated, only capacity. A uniformly distributed load is assumed. Only nominal loads are looked at thus the distinction between ASD or LRFD does not matter here. Strength calculations are based on the principal axis, and at the end converted to the geometric X-axis.
Parameter Value Cross-section L6x4x3/8 Angle Orientation Long leg up Yield Strength F y F_y Fy 36 ksi Length L L L 8' Lateral Bracing Unbraced Support Conditions Simply Supported
Result Example ClearCalcs Major Principal Axis Yield Moment 136.4 kip-in 136.2 kip-in Major Principal Axis Leg Local Buckling Moment 199.3 kip-in 199.2 kip-in Major Principal Axis Elastic Lateral-Torsional Buckling Moment ( C b C_b Cb = 1.14)* 326.5 kip-in 328.0 kip-in Major Principal Axis Nominal LTB Moment Capacity 158.8 kip-in 158.8 kip-in Minor Principal Axis Plastic Moment 68.0 kip-in 68.0 kip-in Minor Principal Axis Leg Local Buckling Moment 125.1 kip-in 125.0 kip-in Nominal Moment Capacity in Gravity Loading 85.2 kip-in 85.2 kip-in Total Deflection Under a 0.53 kip/ft Load (Vector Sum)** 0.27 in 0.27 in
*The formula for the elastic LTB moment changed slightly between the 2005 AISC Specification (used in the example) and the 2016 AISC Specification (used by ClearCalcs), which is the reason for the differences here.
**The example splits deflection components in their horizontal and vertical components, while ClearCalcs currently only reports the vector sum of the components.
Example 2 - Unequal Leg Angle, Short Leg Up
Reference: Whitney McNulty, Single Angle Design Manual , 2008, Example 4.8, p. 4-85
In this example, we find the flexural capacity of an unequal leg angle with the short leg down. Note that in the reference, no loads are calculated, only capacity. A uniformly distributed load is assumed. Only nominal loads are looked at thus the distinction between ASD or LRFD does not matter here. Strength calculations are based on the principal axis, and at the end converted to the geometric X-axis.
Parameter Value Cross-section L6x4x3/8 Angle Orientation Short leg up Yield Strength F y F_y Fy 36 ksi Length L L L 8' Lateral Bracing Unbraced Support Conditions Simply Supported
Result Example ClearCalcs Major Principal Axis Yield Moment 136.4 kip-in 136.2 kip-in Major Principal Axis Elastic Lateral-Torsional Buckling Moment ( C b C_b Cb = 1.14)* 627.9 kip-in 632.1 kip-in Major Principal Axis Nominal LTB Moment Capacity 187.5 kip-in 187.5 kip-in Minor Principal Axis Plastic Moment 68.0 kip-in 68.0 kip-in Minor Principal Axis Leg Local Buckling Moment 125.1 kip-in 125.0 kip-in Nominal Moment Capacity in Gravity Loading 64.1 kip-in 64.1 kip-in Total Deflection Under a 0.40 kip/ft Load (Vector Sum)** 0.426 in 0.427 in
*The formula for the elastic LTB moment changed slightly between the 2005 AISC Specification (used in the example) and the 2016 AISC Specification (used by ClearCalcs), which is the reason for the differences here.
**The example splits deflection components in their horizontal and vertical components, while ClearCalcs currently only reports the vector sum of the components.